Premium Twin-Air Sizer™ V2 Balloon Inflator

Productos ›  Premium Twin-Air Sizer™ V2 Balloon Inflator

Premium Twin-Air Sizer™ V2 Balloon Inflator

The only digital inflator designed to run continuously without overheating.
- 25% faster, 30% quieter, 10% lighter!

Accurate Inflation Every Time!
• The only inflator that can digitally size and inflate all sizes of latex including double stuffed metallic 5" latex, 260Q, and 160Q modeling balloons
• Has the most pressure of any sizing inflator on the market

  • Especificaciones de producto:
  • # Ítem de Paquete: 53818
  • Código de Precio Ítem de Paquete: BDG
  • Piezas de Empaque: 1